Repositories indexed: Gentoo(62260)
and GURU(2741)
Amount of indexed packages: 65001
Amount of indexed files: 20773686
Indexed architectures: amd64, arm, arm64, mips, none, ppc, ppc64, riscv, sparc, x86
Top successful file searches
Name | # |
getopt* | 9396 |
brctl | 5714 |
e-file | 3447 |
glxgears | 3298 |
equery | 3284 |
dig | 3084 |
glxinfo | 3004 |
lsusb | 2951 |
vainfo | 2771 |
tar | 2686 |
Latest updated packages
Name | Unique name |
postfix | mail-mta/postfix |
fangfrisch | app-antivirus/fangfrisch |
krita | media-gfx/krita |
ldb | sys-libs/ldb |
xournalpp | app-text/xournalpp |
thunderbird | mail-client/thunderbird |
regex | dev-python/regex |
emacs | app-editors/emacs |
readline | sys-libs/readline |
bmake | dev-build/bmake |
Latest updated files
File |
08_03_sumi-e.png |
KisToolPolyline.action |
Rough_Paper.png |
KisToolSelectOutline.action |
Digital.tag |
Manual.html | |
04_09_inking_pen_bumpy.png | |
Animation.kws |
USE flag top 10
Use | # |
doc | 3654 |
nls | 3013 |
X | 2748 |
test | 2519 |
verify-sig | 1814 |
systemd | 1752 |
ssl | 1708 |
wayland | 1614 |
examples | 1588 |
pulseaudio | 1356 |
Most seen packages
Name | # |
dev-go/go-md2man | 4286 |
sec-keys/openpgp-keys-gentoo-release | 3891 |
perl-core/File-Temp | 3748 |
games-engines/box2d | 3312 |
x11-drivers/xf86-input-libinput | 3151 |
app-accessibility/at-spi2-core | 3130 |
mail-mta/nullmailer | 3096 |
net-firewall/iptables | 3064 |
app-accessibility/at-spi2-core | 2909 |
perl-core/File-Temp | 2879 |